
To maintain the identity of Gujaratis among ethnic groups from India

To provide a forum for meeting, sharing ideas, conducting social and cultural activities and fostering literary and cultural advancement
GMOCO is organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes including the making of distribution to any organization that qualifies under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service code, or corresponding section of the future federal tax code. Specific objectives are:

To promote the welfare and assimilation of Gujaratis in the mainstream of American life

To foster friendship and understanding among its members and to develop common loyalties and mutual interests through literary, social, educational, and cultural activities

To cooperate and participate with other organizations in programs of common interest

To sustain and perpetuate the cultural heritage of Gujaratis

To promote and assist activities and projects in furtherance of any or all of the above

To assist the members and their children to learn the Gujarati language and to retain their cultural heritage
No substantial part of the activities of GMOCO shall be carrying on of propaganda, influencing legislation, or participating in or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office